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Join the Clearwater Bar Association


The Clearwater Bar Association (CBA) was founded in 1930 when lawyers and judges began meeting on an informal basis. Today, the CBA has over 1,000 members, and serves the legal profession and community working for the greater good of its members and the community at-large. The CBA aims to promote professionalism and competency in the legal community through quality educational programs and enhanced opportunities for interaction.

CBA members enjoy opportunities for pro bono service, Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits, monthly luncheons, annual events, and regular networking and socializing events. Members have the opportunity to join sections focused on specific areas of the law which provide information and education specific to the various practice areas. The CBA also offers the opportunity to join committees which allow members to become involved in coordinating and planning events. Joining the CBA is an investment in your career. 

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Membership Types 


Membership Benefits Offer Tremendous Value

Included as part of your membership with no additional fees

  • 4 monthly luncheons – Featuring guest keynote speakers and networking opportunities ($220 value) 
  •  Annual Law Day Luncheon
  • 1 Evening membership social and sponsor appreciation
  • 6 free CLE hours on professionalism, ethics & Diversity ethics hours  ($200 value)

  • Networking social events ($200 value)

  • Opportunity to attend member and guest only Oyster Roast

  • Annual Holiday Party for you, guest additional ($100 value)

  • Discounted rates on CLE lunches ($100 value)

  • First year membership in Lawyer Referral Service FREE ($150 value)

  • Opportunities to engage in service activities both in the legal profession and in the community


Annual CBA Membership Dues

$275 Regular Member/ Associate Members 

$175 Attorneys in practice less than 2 years

$175 State Attorneys & Public Defenders

$175 Reciprocal Attorney

$175 Paralegals

$100 Non-Attorney - Collaborative Law Member

Paralegal and Law Student - Free

Lifetime Member* - Free

Honorary Members - Free

*Special Qualifications apply.  See description for more information.